In healing the Land we can help heal the person.  Additionally, connecting with the natural world can enhance our health and spiritual growth.


Inspiration for this Project evolved as events unfolded identifying the need to seek healing for the land and also for the plants and animals, especially us humans, which depend on healthy ecosystems for our survival. Healing for people in body, mind and spirit is especially required for care of creation. It is believed that participating in restoration of the land can be of great significance in the healing of people.


This project hopes to link the care of land with human healing from attachments, addictions and aversions. The wisdom of God’s creation has much to teach us if we can learn to listen to what it is telling us. In addition to the wisdom of creation, inspiration for this project was drawn from the Four World’s Guiding Principles for Building a Sustainable and Harmonious World, a document produced from the Indigenous communities of North America as part of THE FOURTH WAY, which was prepared to help preserve their cultures for contribution to the common good.



Additional inspiration came from the wisdom from the Vatican as expressed in Pope Francis Encyclical LAUDATO SI’ ON CARE FOR OUR COMMON HOME. Adding to the concept of dominion, indigenous wisdom brings the concepts of respect, reciprocity and reverence. With dominion comes responsibility; thus the 4 R’s - RESPECT, RECIPROCITY, REVERENCE & RESPONSIBILITY.

Restoration and Recovery Project


In healing the Land we can help heal the person.  Additionally, connecting with the natural world can enhance our health and spiritual growth.